Ben Adamah - Writings on the Truth about the Nature of the Universe, Life and Mankind.


(Edited May 2012)

Like many other scientific theories, probably the most unscientific one is the belief in the theory that the food one eats creates cells and growth. If it were true, then the more one ate, the more one would expect to grow, and if one stopped eating there would be an immediate loss of cells from a lack of nutrition, which we know conclusively is not the case. Cells are composed of molecules which in turn are composed of atoms,which are microcosnic suns that are self energizing, self sustsaining fields of energy and do not need feeding to exist.. Ask any nuclear scientist.

One thing all authorities agree on is that body growth and development arises from cellular division and subdivision. then what part does food play in the picture, and where does it begin its performance.

The reduction in body weight when one stops eating is either from the elimination of accumulated wastes in the body from the past or the disposing of excess water from salt consumption.

Essentially nutrition needs to provide the context in the blood stream, which makes it possible for cellular division and subdivision to occur.. However cellular division and subdivision will only occur, when physical demand is required from a group of cells in excess of their past functioning. The increase in the quantity of cells in the group through division and subdivision is of themselves and not from extraneous material, food consumed. Food merely provides the conditions – growth results from the stimulating effect of the food consumed but never without physical exercise.

So growth can be thought of in simple terms as merely the body adapting to change.

An excellent explanation on this process is covered further down the page, a citation from Dr. Alexis Carrel's Book: “Man the Unknown”.


The human physical body requires one to consume food for three primary reasons namely:


The supply of blood sugar to maintain correspondence with the prevailing climatic conditions, which can only be achieved efficiently without accumulating wastes in the consumption of the appropriate type of food from the local environment at the time nature produced them.

  b. In so doing, provide the appropriate balance of cation (alkaline) minerals to anion (acidic) elements, mainly the ratio of calcium to phosphate, to stimulate or slow the cardio-respiratory rate to bring various physiological states of the body into correspondence, with the prevailing environmental conditions namely temperature and moisture, to stimulate the cardio-respiratory rate when it's cold and slow it when hot.
  c. The appropriate balance of the electrolytes, the sodium to potassium ratio needed to adjust and supply the moisture requirements of the physiological state of the body again appropriate to the prevailing climatic conditions namely temperature and moisture.

All the other nutritional needs of the body will be completely provided for in fulfilling the above requirements and ensure homoeostasis of the body.

Study Sections on Diet, Nutrition and Instincts for more extensive explanation.

In the lectures Ben Adamah delivered around the world beginning in his home town in 1968 he stressed the fact that unless you can explain how the consumption, of only one type of food would provide the total nutrient requirements of the body with no nutritional deficiency or excesses then one knows very little about human nutrition and is obviously not qualified to lecture on the subject. When there is no change in the prevailing climatic conditions one's nutritional requirements would continue to be completely supplied eating that food only, until there is a change in the climatic conditions. All mammals eat only one type of food and stay healthy and unless mankind does the same it will continue with an early decline in health and the multitude of maladies the human species suffers with during it's lifespan.

“Is it not interesting that the bugs and the birds have no sickness, no hospitals, no doctors, no drugs no vaccines, no serums, yet they are ruled by the same laws of creation (nature) that governs mankind. But the bugs and birds do not subsist on cooked and seasoned food. They do not attempt to improve on the work of creation. They are not so stupid as mankind.” Prof. Hilton Hotema

Without exception every type of edible food produced by plants in nature come as a complete package. They are always a reflection of the prevailing climatic conditions. The minerals, the sugars, proteins, fats, enzymes, vitamins etc. are presented by nature as a homoeostasis package for consumption. However any one other type of food eaten at the same time will upset the desired affect, to bring correspondence between the consumer's physiological requirements and the prevailing environmental conditions.

So nutrition is all to do with bringing correspondence between the requirements of an organism and climatic conditions of the environment.

Fortunately for the majority of mankind, the human body has an amazing ability to mould it's function by adjustments to the organs and the nervous and endocrine glandular system to the dietary abuse it is subjected to, but always at the cost of it's long-term health and well being.

Quoted from Page 76 of "MAN THE UNKNOWN" by
considered by many world authorities to have been the greatest Biologist and Anthropologist of the 20th century.

"An organ builds itself by techniques very foreign to the human mind. It is not made of extraneous material, like a house. Neither is it a cellular construction, a mere assemblage of cells. It is, of course, composed of cells, as a house is of bricks. But it is born of a cell, as if the house originated from one brick, a magic brick that would set about manufacturing other bricks. Those bricks, without waiting for the architect’s drawings or the coming of the bricklayers, would assemble themselves and form the walls. They would also metamorphose into windowpanes, roof-slates, coal for heating, and water for the kitchen and bathroom. An organ develops by means such as attributed to fairies in the tales told to children in bygone times. It is engendered by cells which, to all appearances, have the knowledge of the future edifice, and synthesise from the substances contained in the blood plasma the building materials and even the workers."


The body's cells are not created from earthly materials in the blood. The first cell and all the rest of the organic structure of the body are built utilising the four atmospheric gases in the blood plasma. Minerals, the earthly matter give it character and make the blueprint visible.

The following is cited from Prof. Hilton Hotema's book Nutritional Myth:

“A world endurance weight-lifting record holder Gillam Low after consuming water only for twenty one days lifted a squat stand of 1000 lbs. until he exceeded a million pounds effortlessly. . During his fast he continued working out in the gym”.

Ben Adamah
Besides the fact that one would have expected that his body would have not been able to accomplish what he did after fasting for the 21 days, it also begs another unexplained question by the scientific establishment, where did he get the energy from. So that has blown another iffy scientific theory about nutrition.

The Nutritional theory that the cells of the body are created from the food one eats is a Myth, mere speculation on the part of the Biologists and Anthropologists. Neither of these two groups of scientists have ever had a comprehensive science on the human body. They have not been able to come up with any scientific evidence to substantiate how the body utilises the food one eats to build cells.

The fact is on analysis every element of the food one has eaten over a controlled period of time on a healthy frugal diet can be accounted for in one's effete. Yet during that period one could have increased one's body weight and muscular mass and be able to lift heavier and heavier weights. Their answer is 'that is just how nature works'.

Growth, the increase of the cellular mass of the body is through cellular division which only occurs when a group of muscles is subjected to a physical demand beyond their present capacity – ability to meet. Under a steady increase in physical demand on any group of muscles, they will increase the muscle mass through cellular division and will continue to grow with the continued steady increase of the work load. But only as long as the blood stream has a fresh supply of blood sugar irrespective of it's source, whether it is from the consumption of a protein or ripe fruit sugars with nil protein. Read protein theory for further enlightenment.

When physical demand is made on any group of muscles, what takes place, is as Dr. Alexis Carrell stated; the body moulds/adapts it's physical functioning and structure to meet the new demand, under what ever (within limitations) conditions it is subjected to. In reverse these adaptations only last as long as the same physical demand continues. Also the slightest variation in any particular physical demand of any muscle group will result in a change in cellular division and growth (multiplication) of other cells in that muscle. Hence the reason for utilising different regimes on the same muscle group if one is endeavouring to get the maximum development possible from it.

Purity of blood provides the context for cellular division and growth of the body when it is subjected to physical demand/stress and it never does without it and never from the elements in the food one has eaten. The cells are created from the four atmospheric gases namely Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen and the Carbon Dioxide which air in the blood stream and not from the food one eats.

The general belief among the medical fraternity is that the reason for mankind eating is to nourish and sustain the body even though they accept the fact that the parent cell and the rest of the cells that developed and formed the foetus in the womb are not a product of food (extraneous material as referred to by Dr. Alexis Carrel). They would have great trouble explaining the following;

“From 1928 to 1938 Giovanni Succi Travelled throughout Europe giving exhibitions of fasting in the public eye day and night. His exhibitions, rigidly controlled, extended for periods of 30 to 40 days. Included were 80 periods of 30 days of fasting, and 20 periods of 40 days of fasting – a total 3200 days without eating, or eight years and 280 days without eating in ten years.” Prof. Hilton Hotema


An undeniable fact of life is when there is no physical stress there is no growth and with no challenges in life it would be boring and meaningless. Responding in a positive manner to any physiological or psychological challenge is the only way one grows and evolves in consciousness.

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