Ben Adamah - Writings on the Truth about the Nature of the Universe, Life and Mankind.


(April 2012)


Very few individuals in life realise they were misled by their parents, by their teachers and by their doctors about health and well being.

Education and Science in it's ignorance has blinded and clouded our brain with erroneous nonsense that we have lost our common sense and can no longer see the obvious, even though it is there for us to see in the natural world. We marvel at the fact that all animals are endowed with a natural Instinct which guides them infallibly through life, little comprehending – realising we were also provided with all the Instincts we needed to meet all our requirements to live a healthy life. All animals obey their inborn Instincts and never stray. Mankind ignores his Instincts and his supposed higher intelligence always leads it astray.


Instinct is the inborn.

The innate, inborn, unconscious pattern of behaviour of an organism to a particular stimuli. This work is restricted to the instinctive senses in humans to select their biological needs, primarily in relation to dietary requirements.

The inborn instincts in humans are encoded genetic memories in the brain which are present at birth giving the organism the ability to select its needs according to the biological requirements of the body. These inherited Instincts are contained in the genome which is encoded in the parent cell, the zygote, with the entire hereditary information needed to build and maintain the body.

Each instinct has its own location, sensory control centre in the brain and operates within a range of instinctual parameters and specific bandwidth of frequencies of energy and having their own neural pathways via the spinal cord from neuron receptor cells which relay messages back to them from strategic locations in the body. These neuron receptors continue relaying the character of what it senses to their control centre in the brain which will automatically trigger a reflex, rejection response, if the character of what is sensed is undesirable. When pleasant, acceptable it will past the test with no reflex action taking place. These control centres and their neuron receptors begin functioning while the foetus is still in the womb and continue 24/7 until the day one dies doing the job they were created to do, monitoring and regulating the healthy functioning of the body. That would be so except in the majority of mankind they begin malfunctioning before they are even walking as a result of unhealthy living habits, or rendered inoperative through surgical procedures.

As the sensory control centres in the brain have a limited bandwidth, the frequency of any stimuli that does not fall within the sensory control centres bandwidth will automatically initiate/trigger rejection response.


This work will be concentrating on how mankind instinctively resourced it's dietary needs according to its genome. It covers anything that is pleasant and acceptable naturally, and also what is unnatural, unacceptable, unpleasant, to the instinctive neuron receptors relayed from the nose, eyes, taste buds, the hands an\d feet and also the acceptability of type and state of the food as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract.

This work provides insights how mankind's inborn, innate instinctive senses viz pleasant to smell, sight, touch and taste provided it with an infallible ability to select its food requirements to perfection in the natural environment in which it made it's appearance on earth. The tropics been the only natural environment unclothed mankind would have made its appearance on earth.

All naked animals, are natives of warm zones, the tropics, and mankind only wandered into the colder zones when it harnessed fire and learned to protect itself with artificial coverings.

The first principle of creation is that all creatures only make there appearance where the overall environmental conditions are conducive for it to do so. The environment providing the essential creative context for the organism to make its appearance.

Enlightened mankind's instinctive senses provided it with the ability to select the appropriate food, thereby giving the physical body the ability to maintain a constant homeostasis of its internal physiological environment at all times irrespective of environmental conditions, namely any changes in atmospheric temperature and moisture. Mankind's body originally operated perfectly, and as many great physiologists have stated that: “It contained within itself no marks by which we can possibly predict its decay. It was apparently intended to go on forever.”

Mankind had no need to be taught of how to meet its need, in its natural Environment. All it needed to know was programmed into the parent cell, the zygote at inception by genetic encoding from the sperm and ova.

The only reason why present mankind, now suffers from the multitude of diseases, matures early and declines rapidly, is it's unhealthy living habits and an unnatural environment, with polluted air.

Besides the selective senses of smell, sight, touch and taste, mankind was also endowed with two fail safe feedback systems in the gastrointestinal tract which would have responded by initiating the immediate elimination of any undesirable substances in the tract from mouth to the anus. The description of these two fail safe systems, and the reason they no longer function efficiently, or not at all, will be describe in detail in the paragraphs of the fifth and sixth inborn Instincts. The loss or reduced functioning of these two fail systems is one of the main factors in premature aging and early death, from the blood and tissues been steadily congested from the consumption of an unnatural diet. and not been ejected from the gastrointestinal tract before absorption. This situation arising because the ejecting organs are malfunctioning or unwittingly been removed because the symptoms were been treated and the cause not taken into account and followed by appropriate steps taken.

The human body in a healthy state with it's inborn instincts, nerve receptors and chemical feedback systems (loops) would have never failed with their innate ability to regulate it's physiological state to within appropriate limits of the oxygen and carbon dioxide percentages, the hormones, the nutrients and balance of chemicals substances in the blood stream. That would have been the case when these instincts, and the organs they activate, were functioning in a healthy state.

Mankind is endowed with the greatest range of instinctive sensory receptors and chemical feedback loops of any animal and with the widest range of adaptability and therefore should be able to meet all its material and survival needs with more sensitivity than any other animal and have the longest lifespan.

Mankind only matures as early as it does because it is partaking of unnatural foods with high concentrations of nutrients mainly complex carbohydrates and animal proteins, which results in the early conversion of growth hormones into reproductive hormones. Then instead of living at least 7 times maturity as all other animals in the wild, it seldom reaches 5 or 6 times maturity. With the state of it's health for most of it's lifetime been as Dr. Neil Munro had for the title of a book he wrote over fifty years ago Quote: “MAN ALIVE YOU ARE HALF DEAD

The whole downfall of this civilisation began because it defiled its body with unnatural foods. Thereafter, mankind functioned in a diminished state of well being and a fraction of the lifespan in comparison to when perfect correspondence prevailed between itself and the environment in which it came into being on earth.

Many of the worlds leaders on the physiology of the body have stated “if one regularly renewed the fluid (blood) in which the cells operate there is no scientific reason why one should age and not live for an indefinite lifespan.” They baulked at giving the answer (ignorant of the fact) because to tell the masses that it is only a question of a regular fast and frugal eating of the sun-ripened fruit from ones surroundings would have been the death knell for almost the entire medical profession. They would have only been required for accidents. The hospitals would only need a fraction of the beds and nurses. Ask yourself is not the obvious thing to do, is to not defile the blood by the consumption of unnatural food and liquids in the first place , then there would be no need to renew it. Therein lies the secret to the Fountain of Youth, the Ageless State of Being, and never ever been sick or less than in the best state of health.

Is it not obvious, that nature provided mankind when it came into being with all the the types and varieties food it needed in it's immediate surroundings, not requiring it to labour, no different to all other creatures on the planet. Mankind is the only animal that has strayed from its genetic roots and as a consequence, now has to survive by the sweat of it's brow tilling the soil and growing and eating foods it is ill equipped to consume and at the same time lost the economic freedom it once enjoyed. The first commandment of the Ancient Masters was that Mankind should never digress from it's natural diet, the seeds of the trees. That by adding the herbs of the earth it would drastically reduce the length of our days on earth because we are not endowed with the necessary fibre splitting enzymes and acids required to be a herb eating animal. They knew well that the tilling (man first curse) of the soil, agriculture would result in soil degradation and said so, by saying “the earth would be (second) cursed”.

Why because there is no such thing as sustainable agriculture.

They also new that women would suffer with three curses resulting from adding the consumption of herbs to her diet. The first been that she would have the unnatural state of monthly ovulation and never be without an infant to feed and protect (her first curse), thereby beholden to man to provide her with her needs (the second curse). The third curse is menstruation and menopause, both unnatural when one does not defile the body with unhealthy eating and living habits. It is only the human female (and some of the other anthropoids bred and fed in captivity) that suffers from these afflictions. Refer XI Top Soil and Civilisation by Dale and Carter why past civilisation failed and disappeared.

Where does one begin when today one will not find one item of food on sale in the supermarkets fit for human consumption by anyone really concerned about their well being. All food in the super markets are denatured, devitalised and processed and most of it is not even fit for the compost heap. Any food they have on sale appropriate to mankind's natural diet, that are produced as nature intended, are picked immature, tasteless and nutritionally deficient.


Instinct is innate consciousness inborn in the parent cell, the zygote at conception.

The first instinctive responses when in a healthy state come from smell, sight, touch and taste. These four instinct senses, no longer function as programmed, because their nerve receptors have either been damaged or conditioned from childbirth to accept processed unnatural and processed foods.


The health of the instinctive senses of any child is determined by the state of mothers health, her eating habits and sexual activity while the foetus is been developed in the womb.

One very important stimuli for a foetus been aborted is the effect of a unhealthy diet and habits of the mother adversely affecting the physiological state of her body and that of the foetus. The inherent inborn instinct of a foetus is it's ability to abort itself when correspondence ceased between its requirements and the conditions in the womb. It will endeavour to abort itself when it no longer had the ability to continue to endure the unhealthy state there.

The unhealthy physiology of the mothers body is the cause and one should think seriously about endeavouring to save an unhealthy foetus, especially when the mother's long term health and future well being is at stake. Also because the odds are that one will bring a child into the world with diminished mental and or physical capabilities.

However the mother living a life of purity in accordance with the natural laws governing her well being (including sexual continence) would have the natural ability to deliver a perfectly healthy child, with all its sensory organs functioning in an immaculate state and with the potential of bringing another genius into the world. Some of the mother's who lived a life of purity and continence produced the likes of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Newton, Francis Bacon, Buddha, Aristotle, Plato, the list is extensive.

Something all potential mothers need to consider before falling pregnant is to start months before to adopt as healthy a diet as possible, within their means, and avoid all forms of drugs and endeavour to practice continence. This recommendation should continue through the gestation period and up to the secession of breast feeding. This advice with respect to diet and drugs applies up to the conception stage as much with the potential father to be. Endeavour to reach at least a reasonable state of health before falling pregnant. Where one no longer needs any form of medication and if one does require ongoing medication then one should possible think twice before intending to fall pregnant.

Today any hope the child had of it's instinctive senses functioning as they would have, are continually been corrupted and rendered inoperable to one degree or another as a result of the parents in their ignorance foisting, force feeding them with an unhealthy, unnatural diet. The natural instinct on the part of the child is to spit out what is not acceptable to taste.


Mankind's instincts have been over ridden and rendered inoperable to one degree or another by nothing more, nor less, than from learned and applied unhealthy living habits and breathing polluted air. When it's natural instincts were functioning to their full, unpolluted potential, these inherent senses guided mankind in meeting all it's needs in a healthy and sustainable manner in its natural environment.

Mankind with the six main instinctive sensory organs acquired at birth would have provided mankind with all the indisputable instinctive knowledge (in a healthy state) it required to meet all it's physiological needs without any education. In fact what is purported to be scientific knowledge on how mankind should meet it's nutritional requirements is not just rudimentary, it can only be described in most incidences as nothing more than unscientific assumptions.

Mankind's present diet almost without exception in all cultures is defiling the body with foods which it is not equipped to digest properly or able to eliminate the wastes, which at the same time is corrupting its instincts even more through congestion.

All other creatures other than ignorant mankind adheres to its natural diet, not needing to be educated, other than the animals mankind has domesticated. They know exactly how to meet all their physical and physiological needs instinctively and so would we have been able to do, before mankind digressed from it's natural diet

How can mankind expect our instinctive senses to function as they were intended to, when it constantly undermines the physiology of the body by unnatural, unhealthy living habits. In particular the unnatural, unhealthy foods and drinks we foist on to our bodies day in and day out. We use every means possible to disguise the unnatural and unpalatable foods by firstly cooking them, which renders much of their potential food value worthless and destructive, and by concocting blends of foods which have no compatibility what so ever, then disguising the concoction with sauces and seasoning, especially common salt, which is a killer, if ever there was.

Like all other animals in their natural surroundings in meeting all their needs we would also have had this natural ability, if we had not destroyed or undermined the natural functioning of our instincts, and destroyed the natural environment in which we resided.

As the world famous Dr. Alexis Carrel stated in his book “Man the Unknown”, “Man is a stranger in the (artificial) world he has created. He is without protection against the hostile surroundings which this civilisation has built about him”.

The prime purpose of natural instincts of all creatures was the means they employed to meet their physical needs and survival with the inbuilt operating ability of all the sensory organs at birth.

Lets take a look at how the human body would function in a healthy state in a natural environment suited to it. An awareness and application of the knowledge of how the senses function, will to a certain degree guide one on how to meet ones needs in whatever the climatic conditions of the environment they reside.

Wherever one is living, be it New York, Paris, London, Amsterdam or in the bush. It will even assist one to select what is edible in the wilds.


  1. SMELL
    The sense of smell is the first instinct employed by the body to begin to meet its physical and survival needs. Pleasant to smell was the instinctive means it employed to be able to locate it's natural diet in what could have been a wide area. If it is not pleasant to smell as provided by nature then it is not fit to eat no matter whatever one does to make it pleasant to smell. Any alteration in the natural state can only detract from its nutritional value.

    Is it not obvious, that nature provided mankind when it came into being with all the food it needed in it's immediate surroundings, not requiring it to labour, no different to all other creatures on the planet. Mankind is the only animal that has strayed from its genetic roots and as a consequence now has to live by the sweat of it's brow and also lost the economic freedom it once enjoyed.

  2. SIGHT
    How temperature adjusts the functioning of the control centre of sight

    a. The control centre for sight receives its messages ostensibly from the neural receptors in the feet and hands, their functioning has been greatly diminished by the fact we now wear shoes and cover our bodies with layers of clothing thereby greatly limiting the effect of the atmospheric and soil temperatures on these two neural receptors.

    b. Obviously soil temperature activates the neuron receptors in the feet and the atmospheric temperature brings on neuron messages from the hands. Any sudden change in the atmospheric temperature would override the influence of soil temperature because neural receptors in the hands have a greater control in sight centre in the brain, than the feet.

Overview of the influence of temperature on the selection of what to eat:
“That which is pleasant to sight is good for food”

The most significant thing about what to eat, is all to do with the body adjusting the Cardiac and Respiratory rates to offset any change in the atmospheric temperature.

  • When cold what one eats must stimulate these two rates in order to be warm or slow them when it is hot.
  • When the soil and atmospheric temperature is hot the most acceptable colour would be green otherwise yellow.
  • When the soil is hot and the atmosphere cool to cold the most acceptable colour will be red or purple black.
  • When both soil and atmospheric temperature is warm (pleasant) the most acceptable colour is orange.
  • When soil is cold and the atmosphere is warm then the most acceptable colour is dark orange, saffron.
  • When both the soil and atmosphere is cold then Brown would be one's choice.

Pleasant to sight, because colour is absolutely essential as a guide of what and when to eat a particular colour. The colour of the pigment (of above ground produce) is the guide in selecting what to eat to bring the necessary correspondence between oneself and the prevailing atmospheric temperature.

Mankind in it's natural state would have never considered eating foods produced in the ground, certainly not peanuts, which is a toxic legume meant for rodents.


Many of these foods mankind likes to have included in their diet: all the alliaceous family: onions, garlic and also the solanaceous, night shade family of plants closely related of the tobacco plant family chilli, capsicum, potatoes, aubergine, tomatoes, and the tamarillo which all contain alkaloids and toxic to the human body to some degree. Another not so obvious example is the white inside of lettuce and cabbage both of them have high levels of alkaloids. Rhubarb with oxalic acid. All alkaloids and oxalic acids are unacceptable to the human body, the more potent alkaloids being penicillin and morphine.

Just stop for a moment and dwell on the fact that none of this list of foods when eaten in the natural state would have had any hope of passing the simple dietary tests of, pleasant to sight, smell touch and taste, let alone the fact that they would have been instantly ejected by body when our instinctive senses were functioning as they would have been in the beginning.


Eating the wrong colour food will either cool one, when the body requires heat, or heat it, when it requires cooling, as in the case of sweltering summers. Melons would be one's obvious choice in the summer heat. It is also obviously telling one, that like all other creatures, mankind included, can only meet its dietary requirements in a healthy fashion by eating only one food at a sitting.

Most of the biggest and strongest animals in nature function by eating only one herbivorous plant, grass for their entire lifespan and in good health. The nutrient content changes as the temperature cools going into winter. The protein content increases providing an increase in the elements required to stimulate the cardiac and respiratory rates in order for the internal physiology of the body to respond to the reduction in external temperature.


When one has the full extent of the knowledge required one would definitely be able to guide any one in a healthy state of what to eat to maintain the body in a healthy state. In nature it would be only one type of food in a day, (unless there was a dramatic change in temperature, which would then require a change to another appropriate colour) and with no deficiencies or excesses in their diet, satisfying/meeting all the nutritional requirements to sustain a healthy and ageless state. Never suffering ever from hunger pangs, only the tempting scented aroma generating the desire to eat.

Incidentally one ages by nothing more than accumulated wastes in the body, especially acidic wastes, especially from the consumption of grains/all cereals, legumes, pulses, and animal based foods. Anybody who thinks otherwise knows very little about nutrition.

Examples why the selection of the appropriate colour is essential;

  1. Green pigment natural foods have a high saturation of cations as in watermelons which will slow the cardiac and respiratory rates necessary when the external temperatures are hot.
  2. Whereas brown pigment skin as in nuts saturated with the high levels of anions will stimulate the cardiac and respiratory rates heating the body when the external temperature is cold.

Very simply the key to bringing correspondence between the prevailing temperature of the environment and an organism is the balance of the cation (alkaline minerals) to anion (acid elements) ratio, which can only be achieved in eating the appropriate colour to do so. Temperature determines the type of carbohydrate that in turn determines the pigment, colour of the skin. All very simple when you know the relationship between temperature, minerals and colour and the types of nutrients produced.

The principle cations been calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

The principle anions been phosphate, sulphate and nitrate.

All individual minerals ending with ium is a cation (alkaline) and those ending with ate is a anion (acidic) as a general rule.

Nutrition is first and foremost about bringing correspondence between an organism and the environments prevailing temperature and moisture, these two variables in nature are the determining factors in the creation of the contents of all foods, especially the type of nutrients formed, their mineral content and balance, and the necessary vitamins and enzymes required for the “metabolising” of the nutrients. Whatever nature produces does not require any addition. The multitude of components that it comprises are all in balance. Cooking destroys the vitamins and reduces its minerals into inorganic states that can not be assimilated by the body and it also has the possibility of rendering many complex carbohydrates and all proteins carcinogenic to a degree.

A little more trivia, never mix alkaline foods, with their high concentrations of sugar, calcium and vitamin C such as fruits, with acidic protein or complex carbohydrate foods, such as animal products and cereals that have high concentrations of phosphates and sulphates (acids). No chemists would mix acids with alkaline elements, they just don't go together producing a lot of gas and other problems.

A very simple rule is the acid foods are for when it is cool to cold and the alkaline foods are for when its warm to hot. The colour of the pigment of the skin will guide one. Unless one has been taught what to eat it is the only satisfactory guide.

The effect of eating the correct food at any given time fails when foods are immature, not sun ripened, irrigated and force feed with water soluble chemical fertilisers.

A summary of the effects of the different coloured fruits (in particular) on the body's temperature, cardiac and respiratory rates (Crr) and blood pressure (Bp) of a human being in a reasonably healthy state that hasn't already saturated the blood stream with unnatural foods. What follows is to do with the sense of feeling of the surface temperature of the body and specifically for the blood temperature to be maintained within an acceptable range.

Green skin: Sustained cooling, a sustained reduction of overall body temperature, Crr and Bp. from the absorption into the blood stream of the high concentration of cations in the green foods especially watermelons, cucumbers and many other fruits that reach maturity while still green in the tropics.
Yellow skin: Instant cooling, rapid reduction in overall body temperature, Crr and Bp from the instant availability and rapid absorption into the blood stream of the saturation of cations in mature yellow fruits.
Orange skin: Balancing the overall body's temperature, Crr and Bp to correspond with the prevailing atmospheric temperature. There will be a reduction in the levels from they were when the atmospheric temperature was hotter and increase when the atmospheric temperature cooled.
Red and Purple
Black skin:
Instant rapid increase in overall body temperature Crr and Bp from certain amino acids which are rapidly absorbed into the blood stream with a high concentration of anions particularly the sulphate based ones.
Brown skin: Sustained slow but constant heating of the overall body temperature, Crr and Bp.The proteins in the brown skin foods with the high concentrations of the anions, phosphate and sulphate in their amino acids with a slow but steady absorption into the blood stream will increase the body temperature, Crr and Bp, all three necessary in winter.

One can now see how important colour is in the selection of food.

All very obvious when one knows how the physiology of the human body should function. The knowledge of which this author has known for over 50 years. He believes as far as he knows, that he is probably at present, the only person who has begun to fully understand the natural functioning of the human body in respect of its dietary requirements, however if there is anybody out there that has done some research of the facts presented then the Author would appreciate them making contact. More information would need to be provided to fully explain sight but again refer sections on diet and nutrition to study a reduced version of a lecture Ben Adamah delivered over three, two hour sessions to the leaders of the health profession of a country on the last day of their Annual General Meeting in 1980.

An adage from the so-called primitive uneducated heathens of the past.
The Ancient Masters knew of the programmed instincts, one of which went like this:
That which is pleasant to sight is good for food


Pleasant to touch because it indicates that if it is unpleasant to touch then it has toxic substances in them or the skin is toxic. This would require a whole chapter covering alkaloids, oxalic acids etc. Example peaches, figs or any foods with tiny follicles as is the case in many of the berries should be peeled. Many of the berries mankind eats are untouchable to many of the other anthropoid group of animals. Their instincts function as they were designed to do, ours don't.


Pleasant to taste is the instinct one posses to assess whether the natural food item is appropriate to be eaten or is still in a fit state to do so. Forget about unnatural acquired taste of unnatural cooked and doctored denatured foods. All one needs to do is to consume only those foods that are pleasant to taste in the pristine state as nature delivers. Which obviously means most of the fruit, nuts, melons and berries.

Today any hope the child had of it's instinctive senses functioning as they would have, are continually been corrupted and rendered inoperable to one degree or another as a result of the parents in their ignorance foisting, force feeding them with an unhealthy, unnatural diet. As previously stated the natural instinct on the part of the child is to spit out what is not acceptable to taste. Taste been the fourth instinctive attribute we are endowed with to discern our nutritional requirements.


Then the next programmed instinct is the one which the tonsils possess and would have fulfilled, had their functioning not been rendered in most individuals inoperable. That's of course if they had not unwittingly been removed. When they have not been removed, or rendered partially inoperable because of unhealthy eating habits would provide the body with the instinctive ability to induce vomiting whenever fermentation or any undesirable substances is present in the mid to upper gastrointestinal tract.

When the sense of taste fails because the food first needs to be eaten before some undesirable substance in the food is released then the nerve receptors in the gastrointestinal tract would immediately relay a message of the undesirable substance via the spine back to the brain initiating vomiting until the offending substance has been ejected from the body. When the offending substances from the gastrointestinal tract begins to accumulate in the bloodstream beyond the capacity of the body to dispose (wastes)of, will cause inflammation of the tonsils. The number one offender been cows milk followed by other animal proteins wastes.


This instinct, like all those already presented, was also programmed into the parent cell, and is the modus operandi of the appendix in conjunction with the nerve receptors in the convolutions of the colon/large intestinal tract. When there is putrefying matter or any offending substances causing irritation in the colon the neural receptors there, will relay a message to the brain and back to the appendix to discharge fluid into the bowl. This fluid lubricates the colon and loosens any faecal matter there and induces diarrhoea.

When the appendix has been removed and the neural receptors in the convolutions of the large intestinal tract rendered inoperable from a constantly bad diet there is very limited ability to relieve one from constipation or an undesirable state there.


There is no more vital precaution one needs to take and that is to ensure one has regular bowl movements keeping the bowel free of putrefying wastes, especially if one has any concern of the possibility of bowel cancer, which is caused primarily as an outcome of putrefying flesh accumulating in the convolutions of the bowel (large intestinal tract/colon).

Just a few little bits of information if one becomes seriously constipated then consult a Colonic therapist immediately and have colonic irrigation, then for at least two or three days live on a fruit diet. Select a fruit one enjoys eating. The alternative if one's bowels is to give oneself a course of high enemas using only water at blood temperature with an enema container tube and nozzle (lubricate before inserting) which is obtainable from any reputable pharmacy. Keep douching until all the faecal matter has been removed and the water comes out clear. Make certain the water is either good spring water or filtered rain water. Thereafter adopt a frugal diet on fruit only for three to four days. Then revert to a healthy diet avoiding most of all mixing complex carbohydrate food such as breakfast cereals with milk. An excellent muesli is included in this work.

Be aware

The maintenance of health and well being is more intimately and immediately related to and dependent upon the excreting part of the physiological process than it is upon the supply of nutrient.

Prof. Metchnikoff the renowned scientist stated:

“The greatest problem to health and longevity is to keep the alimentary canal free from putrefaction”.

When the water from colonic irrigation or an enema enters the bowel it has a benign effect softening, dissolving, and carrying of the hardened feacel matter. And after further treatment it begins to wash away the hardened matter that is adhering to the inside of the sacculated folds and also helps dissolve any encrusting that has developed in the interstitial spaces in lining/wall of the the colon.

Thereafter adopt a frugal diet on fruit only for three to four days. Then revert to a healthy diet avoiding most of all mixing complex carbohydrate food such as breakfast cereals with milk. An excellent muesli is included in this work.


Many of these foods mankind likes to have included in their diet: all the alliaceous family: onions, garlic and also the solanaceous, night shade family of plants closely related of the tobacco plant family chilli, capsicum, potatoes aubergine, tomatoes, and the tamarillo which all contain alkaloids and toxic to the human body to some degree. Another not so obvious example is the white inside of lettuce and cabbage both of them have high levels of alkaloids. Rhubarb with oxalic acid. All alkaloids and oxalic acids are unacceptable to the human body, the more potent alkaloids being penicillin and morphine.

Just stop for a moment and dwell on the fact that none of this list of foods when eaten in the natural state would have had any hope of passing the simple dietary tests of, pleasant to sight, smell touch and taste, let alone the fact that they would have been instantly ejected by body when our instinctive senses were functioning as they would have been in the beginning.


Only the consumption of the correct food, only one type of food when naturally selected will give an organism the ability to adjust and continue to regulate its internal environment (the bodies physiology) to maintain a stable and constant equilibrium at all times in changing external environmental conditions, namely the temperature and moisture of the atmosphere.

Nutrition is all about bringing correspondence between an organism and the climatic conditions of its environment, primarily by the adjustment of the cardiac and respiratory rate. Only achievable by eating the correct type and colour of food.


Ben Adamah wishes to make the following claim that unless one has saturated one's body with the wastes from an unnatural, unhealthy life style to the point were one is at deaths door then there is more than hope, as the Ancient Masters stated: “One can always return to the days of thy youth” or another one is “One's youth can be renewed as the Eagles”. Very simply remove the wastes and adhere to one's natural diet and one's health will be restored. Only the body has the intelligence to heal itself if one only permits it to do so in a healthy context.

Fasting and frugal eating of fruit is the only evolutionary method whereby, through a systemic cleansing, the body can restore itself by degrees to physiological normality. It is the most efficient means for correcting illness.

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