Ben Adamah - Writings on the Truth about the Nature of the Universe, Life and Mankind.


(edited and enlarged September 2012)


Compiled and revised from excerpts from various writings of Prof. Hilton Hotema with extensive additional scientific input from Ben Adamah

Without transport, Mankind on making it's appearance on earth must have eaten of the food from his immediate surroundings, as and when nature presented it. Only sun-ripened fruit can completely satisfy all mankind's nutritional requirements with no deficiencies or excesses and hence no aging or diseases.

Unless it is pleasant to smell, sight, touch and taste as produced by nature then it is not appropriate to eat and is defiling the constitution of the body. Refer section on Instincts in menu for an in-depth understanding of how one is perfectly endowed to select one's nutritional requirements without any knowledge of nutrition.

For millions of years mankind had no implements (no agriculture) nor would we have had the least need for any. Mankind did not come into existence until all its needs were completely provided for, as those of the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air. It was not intended that mankind, in supplying its needs, should perform any more labour, than is performed by any animal below it in its native state. All other creatures have economic freedom as did mankind before it began to develop nutritional habits contrary to the long-term health of it's physiological constitution.

In the tropics, where mankind first made its appearance we would have had the least need for clothing and elaborate dwellings. A dwelling would only have been needed for indoor activities and as sleeping quarters, especially during the rainy season. We would have had no need of kitchens and appliances, nor dining rooms. Time would have been of no consequence.

One would have had the economic freedom, and the leisure, to do whatever one wished. Just think how simple and fulfilling life could be in a world without all the paraphernalia (enslavement, possessed by possessions including unfulfilled desires) one accumulates in modern society.

In the warmth of the tropics, nature to this day spontaneously produces the most luscious fruits to be found anywhere on earth. Without implements and without labour, (except in gathering the fruit), early mankind took these substances from the generous hand of its earthly Mother (nature), and ate of them just as cooked and prepared for us by our wonderful provider the sun.

For numerous reasons, it is very evident that fruit in its natural state was not only the first, but the principal substance used for food by mankind for the majority of its existence on planet earth. We are told by many imminent scientific researchers (Dr Alexis Carrel (Nobel Laureate), Prof Julius Huxley, Professors Carls and Kunde Dept. of Zoology Chicago University and many other World Authorities) that they find no reason why mankind should ever die. They all agree the reduction in mankind's lifespan is due to one prime reason, the accumulated (un-eliminated) acid wastes from an unhealthy diet. Nothing is said to indicate that mankind originally ever suffered from disease. Was this simple, natural diet the cause of such sound health and long life? We know that in this age of disordered bodies and short lives, little or no fruit is eaten by many people, fruit being regarded by them as a luxury, more to be admired than to be eaten. Mankind's present dietary habits are the prime cause of the multitude of maladies from which mankind now suffers, and condemns it to an early (unnatural) demise.


Nature produces various fruits that ripen at different times, according to the climatic conditions of the environment. Eat of those in the area in which you reside. You will find if eaten regularly, as the only source of food, that the body is so completely supplied with solids and liquids in such correct proportion to its needs, that there is no demand for water to drink, because the body does not thirst, and no water can so perfectly fill the body’s need for liquids as the pure, distilled water of fruits. Nor does anything destroy the health quicker than the drinking of bad water, except breathing foul air. At the same time fruit will provide a perfect balance of the essential electrolytes, namely Potassium and Sodium in a natural usable state.

A diet of ripe unfired fruit (only) tones up the whole system and enables it to free itself of deadly poisons with which it is filled by bad living habits (primarily a diet of cooked unnatural foods). The practice of eating a full meal of other food, then "topping off" with fruit, is decidedly detrimental. Mankind's natural diet was exclusively the sun-ripened fruit from the local environment in which it resided. Preferably eat only one type of fruit at a sitting.

No scientist had yet appeared to immunise our body against disease. Mankind needed no expert advice, knew nothing of calories, vitamins and mineral salts, much less about proteins and carbohydrates. With our natural inborn (innate) instinctive wisdom (utilising the four selection instincts:- viz pleasant to smell, sight, touch and taste) mankind built a vigorous frame composed of material so lasting, that we saw the sun rise and set for more than a thousand years, ere we sank back into the bosom of the watchful one (nature), who has always been faithful and true to her children.

Is it not interesting that the bugs and the birds have no sickness, no hospitals, no doctors, no drugs, no vaccines, no serums, yet they are ruled by the same laws of creation (nature) that govern mankind. But the bugs and birds do not subsist on unatural cooked and seasoned food. They do not attempt to improve on the work of creation. They are not so stupid as mankind.

Mankind was a purely frugivorous (and still is) animal then, but many millennium have elapsed since. A great change has occurred in our relationship to the natural environment. Mankind has strayed from the happy home of our earthly Mother (Laws of Nature). We have cast her infallible teachings to the four winds, have levelled her beautiful forests with the axe, torn her bosom with shovel and plough, developed grass seeds into grains (the staff of death for mankind — food for the fowls of the air), roots into tubers and animals into beasts of burden and victims of slaughter. These things, all the products of health-destroying and life-shortening labour (which nature never designed/intended) now appear on our table in place of the delicious fruits we once ate so freely. Mankind now endeavours to sustain our body with an unnatural diet, which is telling us in every way it can, that we are failing in our task and violating the law of our physiological constitution. But we have lived apart from the natural laws of our earthly mother (nature) for so many ages, that we no longer understands her laws as we once did, and we continue to wander further from home while mother is constantly beckoning us back.

A few individuals around the world have woken instinctively in some cases, and in others with a more inquiring nous, begun to become aware of mankind's natural diet. Few individuals have the integrated knowledge to supply their physiological needs as nature intended. It now behoves us to re-establish the natural relationship mankind once had with mother nature and unless we do this civilisation is doomed. (Study World Climate and W.M.D for the main reasons)

Despite the many years that have passed since mankind forsook fruit as its food, no change has occurred in our digestive apparatus.

Sun-ripened fruit as it comes from the tree and the vine, is still the most nutritious, delicious and palatable of all food. It is the most agreeable food for child and adult, for the puny and the sturdy, the healthy and the sickly. Fruit is the oldest food known to mankind and the first mentioned in all ancient records.

For numerous reasons, it is very evident that fruit, in its natural state, was not only the first, but the principal substance used for food by mankind for the majority of its existence on planet earth, and we are told by some of the greatest authorities that they find no scientific reason why mankind should not have lived for centuries, and nothing has been found to indicate that any of them ever suffered from disease. Was this simple, natural diet the cause of such sound health and long life? We know that, in this age of disordered bodies and short lives, little or no fruit is eaten by many people, fruit being regarded by them as a luxury, more to be admired than to be eaten. Is this the practice that has produced the multitude of maladies from which mankind now suffers, and condemns the race to early death?

Not only our health, but the length of our days, depends upon suitable nourishment. Such nourishment is found only in those unsophisticated substances that supply the system with all the elements it must have, and without which it suffers and decays. Fruits are the greatest natural source of these vital elements.

Fruits should be eaten freely and frequently, just as it comes from the tree, bush or vine in a sun-ripened state. All unfired fruits are rich in organic mineral salts which have a natural, stimulating affect on all the vital organs. In the process of cooking, these organic minerals undergo certain destructive changes which inhibit their utilisation by our body. In many instances they return to a crystalline form, and by cooking they are not only of far less value but in many instances rendering carcinogenic substances to the body.


A diet of ripe unfired fruit only, tones up the whole system and enables it to free itself of deadly poisons with which it is filled by bad living habits, but the practice of eating a full meal of other food, then "topping off" with fruit, is decidedly detrimental. Let the meal consist of fruit only. Preferably eat only one type of fruit at a sitting. In so doing not upsetting the digestive system of the body.

Nature produces various fruits that ripen at different times, according to the climatic conditions of the environment. Preferably only eat of those in the area in which you reside, and you will find, if eaten regularly as the only source of food, is the only diet in which the body is so completely supplied with solids and liquids in such correct proportion to its needs, that there is no demand for water to drink, because the body does not thirst, and no water can so perfectly fill the body’s need for liquids as the pure, distilled water of fruits. Nor does anything destroy the health quicker than the drinking of bad water, except breathing foul polluted air.

Fruits consist largely of thirst-quenching water, distilled by a marvellous process unknown to man. Blood is approximately 80 per cent water, consequently, if mankind lived on sun-ripened, naturally grown fruits and berries, it would need nothing to drink, and as we well know, we can only drink with difficulty, unless we use a contrivance invented by mankind to convey water to our mouth. There is much doubt as to mankind being a drinking animal.

The glucose and fructose found in fruits, of which there is considerable quantity, and the acids and juices, are fully prepared for the body by the ripening process in the sunshine, requiring only absorption to make them available for use. Due to this fact fruit may be eaten at any time, but should never be combined with any other type of food, without taxing the digestive organs.

How decidedly different in this respect is fruit from the common diet of modern mankind, which tries and wearies the digestive machinery by a long, laborious process, and in the end, renders up but a small quantity of nourishment of an imperfect quality, leaving a residue of life destroying wastes.


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